Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm a better mom on Prozac and Wine....

Do I really need to elaborate on that statement? I think it speaks for itself right!? I woke up all chipper feeling refreshed and ready to start a *NEW* week. You that would be much better than last, on so many levels. I want(ed) to accomplish things today and this week. Then kids happened. You they opened their whiney 2 year old and stubborn back talking 5 year old mouths, I changed multiple nasty poppy diapers, a poopy "accident" from Miss E and the day went downhill from there. I guess I was not as "chipper" as I originally thought myself to be in the morning. Sooo....finally I got through dinner just now....and let me tell you, I love wine...Oh, how I love wine!! (Can you tell I just had am having some now). Last weekend I was in a conversation with a patients family memeber and he had recently returned to the hospital after going out to dinner with family. He was saying how he had had a drink or two and it was really nice to relax (since he'd been at his extremely ill wife's bedside for many days) and he teased me that since I had gone to a Baptist college (he thoroughly interviewed me on day #1) that I probably didn't drink. I laughed heartily and was like....."Um....I have CHILDREN, do I need to say more". Seriously, I rarely DO drink and when I do its not often or much.

TOMORROW is KJ's Birthday!! He turns TWO!!! We had a small family gathering last night at my dad and step-mom's house. We decided that we should have had later spring or summer babies so their birthdays wouldn't ever coincide with snow and ice storms and bad weather. Last night was was actually thundering and lightning which was kinda cool. Tomorrow we are supposed to visit Grammy (my MIL) and meet up with my sister and nephews so I'm hoping the snow forcasted holds off till later in the evening.

1 comment:

Teachermom said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KJ!!! Why didn't you post about it on the Feb. board? You stinker! Maybe all that wine got to your head...! :)