I'm wait'n to rock around the clock tonight. At work that is. Tis' been a pretty good night actually. Last night was Sloooow as molasses. But tonight I walked into a coding patient who sadly did not make it, but it was a rock'n sweet code with lots of fun stuff and since it was the change of shift there were lots of nurses and lots of new orientee's too...and just about all of them got to do compressions. There was lots of learning and cool stuff for them to see. Lines, transcutaneous then a transvenous pacer, Artic Sun, blah, blah blah. I'm sure you non medical types are completely lost here. Sorry. And truly, I don't mean to sound callous to the fact that someone died, it was quite sad actually, but it was such a good learning/teaching opportunity and honestly its hard to say if this person was even remotely revivable anyway....
Alrighty...just called off to trouble shoot a patient with low O2 levels... have started a handful of IV's and overall its been a nice steady paced night. Hope it stays that way! I'll try to come up with something else interesting to blog about when I get more time. Ciao for now....
Break my heart
9 years ago
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