My step-brother Mike celebrated his 22nd birthday on Thurday while he was in the hospital admitted with Pneumonia. On Friday he was diagnosed with Lymphoma and needed to have drains placed to both his lung and one to the sac around his heart. Evidently he had some chest pains and an u/s showed fluid around his heart. It was actually the cells in that fluid that were telling of his diagnosis. In the next day or two we should find out what type of lymphoma and he will most likely begin treatment (chemo) right away. Of course everyone is in a bit of shock at the moment. I seriously had my bags packed and was/am ready to head down there (he lives about 5 hrs away) if it looked like I could be of any use gathering and decifering medical jargon for my parents. For now I am waiting. Perhaps when we learn more. Maybe I'll start website just for him to keep friends and family updated. We'll see. It just sucks to be an ICU nurse and have a family member *in* ICU and not be there. The whole thing just sucks.....beyond words or emotion. Any good thoughts for Mike would be appreciated.
Wow Nicole. I am absolutely positive that you would be great help to your parents. I remember when my stepfather was much help you were to me and my mom! I'm sure it is hard for you to be away..but at the same time it may be hard for you to be IN the ICU and NOT be the actual nurse!
I'm sorry that your family was hit with this type of news.
I'm so sorry, Nicole. I remember what a shock it was when C's aunt became sick so unexpectedly. I'll be praying for your family.
I am so sorry. I will pray for Mike, for you, and for your family.
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