Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A night in the life of an ICU nurse...

Well...a little bit of one anyway. I obviously can't take pics of my patients. But lately I've had my camera in the van for various reasons and when I get to work and I opt to bring it in rather than risk leaving it out in the cold, in the parking lot. Soooo I've had fun torturing my coworkers snapping pics mostly unsuspectingly a few times this month, but I've decided NOT to post those pics cause well...they might not like me for that, LOL. So, this post just got a whole more boring...sorry!

Here's about what time I start to get slap happy and loopy every night/morning! Just ask my friends.

Propofol...the nectar of the sleep gods, milk of amnesia, our favorite sedative. Just a wee little scene from my patients room.

Pretty good vitals for an ICU pt.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Ok, so does it make me completely and totally weird because I think this is super interesting?? I think I really wanna be a nurse....