The weather has warmed up just enough the past few days to melt quite a bit of the ice and snow. Although don't be fooled, its still a bit cold out there! I think its around 40* right now. Tomorrow however, is supposed to be in the FIFTIES!! The 50's people!! It hasn't been that warm here long I can't remember. Probably early November. Last week we even had a small handful of days with bright happy sunshine!! Today is pretty cloudy ho-hum, but at least God is giving us a little taste of spring to keep us going....I just hope its not TOO long.
Oh that reminds me...the cat snuck out, when he realized the snow on the front porch was gone. I should probably go let him back in since its a bit chilly. I'm surprised he's not meowing out there. Here kitty, kitty....
I just downloaded a ton of pictures off BOTH my camera's so I'm hoping to get around to posting some later tonight (I might put them over in the photoblog too). Here's a sampler- the sun melting the icicles off the roof overhang.
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