Tuesday, January 17, 2012
I was dreaming about this blog....
I know we are well into January now, but I have still been reflective on the past year. 2011 was actually QUITE a good year for me. It was really the "Year of Me" and in a good way. For the first time in a VERY long time I did several things that were just for ME. In April I took a plane ride (had been over 10yrs) to meet up with a huge group of lady friends in North Carolina. This was pivotal for me and I think was immensely good for me in unquantifiable ways. I had a low point in August but I perked myself up with another trip to NC to see a friend who missed the first gathering. I weathered my first hurricane there and survived just fine. This past year I actually bought clothes and other miscellaneous things for MYSELF. Things that were just for ME. My divorce was (finally) final. Not that divorce is usually a "good" thing, but it is good to be done with it and move on. It leaves me at a fresh place to start 2012. So what will 2012 have in store for me and my kids? I am hoping it will at least be as good as 2011 and hopefully even better.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
2010 in Facebook Status review....
Laughing at KJ who was just sitting on the toilet belting out in song to himself "Dooon't Stop, Belieeevin', duh-nu-nu-naaaaah" Heehee.
12:52pm December 31st, 2010 (6 comments · 9 likes)
Spent pretty much all of Christmas on the couch or in bed puking with a spinning head. (Hey that rhymed). Having the pleasure ride of Vertigo since Thursday night/Fri morning. A bit better, but not spectacular yet. Blah...
11:10pm December 27th, 2010 (7 comments)
Slept in till 9:30 with KJ!!!! E was already up watching TV. Love the no school & sleeping in!!! Having a lazy morning but must get moving & get last minute stuff done today!!
11:33am December 22nd, 2010 (2 likes)
Has several Christmas presents for sale that I was going to give to my kids....but I don't think they'll be getting anything this year.....
2:26pm December 20th, 2010 (6 comments · 5 likes)
I hate it when I fall asleep at 9pm and wake up at 2am and can't fall back asleep. Ugh. Its 4am now and this is just irritating.
4:04am December 20th, 2010 (5 comments · 1 like)
Well that was a fun Preschool Christmas program tonight. Kaedon did not sing AT ALL, but he surely kept the crowd entertained. And who knew there were so many ways to wear a clip on tie.
8:50pm December 16th, 2010 (4 comments · 7 likes)
Dancing or shopping tonight? What should I do? I feel too lazy for either but I have a couple hours to myself.
7:11pm December 14th, 2010 (3 comments · 1 like)
There is SO much I SHOULD be doing, but instead I'm going to make the infamous Apricot topped Brie and keep sipping my happy drink and watch the finale of Dexter!!! Doesn't get too much better.
10:05pm December 13th, 2010 (14 comments · 7 likes)
Kids freaking managed to lock the van while I had it running to warm it up. All because they are fighting of course/running back in to tattle. Nice way to waste $50-$60 at Christmas time. So we sit here waiting for the tow truck/lock out guy. GREAT!!!
5:56pm December 13th, 2010 (12 comments)
So GR peeps....do you think there will be school tomorrow??? I have to make a decision now to pick up extra at work overnight and leave kids at their Dads (w/out a practical way to get them to school in the am) or get kids now and not work. Its kind of a crap shoot.
3:18pm December 12th, 2010 (6 comments · 1 like)
Well that was a fun & interesting evening! A free dinner at San Chez courtesy of a pharmaceutical company, then dancing, and then some Rapid Responding until an ambulance arrived to someone who passed out on the dance floor. Luckily she didn't need the drugs I had just learned about!!!
10:51pm December 7th, 2010 (3 comments · 3 likes)
Kids have bought themselves a 7pm bedtime. Now if only KJ would stay there without coming out 2 million times, adding to my fury. Elise will be getting up early to finish her homework. Fun times.
7:18pm December 2nd, 2010 (4 comments)
Went swing dancing at the museum again t'nite. One guy asked if I was "in high school or college". Hehehe! So its a young crowd, but still lots of fun dancing. And I don't have to care what any of the youngin's think, lol.
10:30pm November 30th, 2010 (5 comments · 10 likes)
I must confess, I am a dessert slut. I made out with 4 different ones all in one day. And two at once just now.... ;)
12:24am November 26th, 2010 (8 comments · 8 likes)
Had a girls "morning" w/ Elise today while Kaedon was at school- out to breakfast and shopping. Very sweet time. Later a trip to the library and now chilling at home with pizza and movies. Good times and warm fuzzies!! Feeling blessed and thankful for my kids today.
7:11pm November 24th, 2010 (5 comments · 12 likes)
TV dinners and a movie tonight. Keeping it easy while we wait out the November TORNADO watch! Who woudda thunk it?!?! :-/
7:07pm November 22nd, 2010 (3 comments · 1 like)
Getting ready to meet up and go to dinner with my sisters and a group of ladies who have all been moms to me & my sisters, and will take time to honor and remember the one who is not with us. Thanks sister-lou (Bridgette) for organizing this. :)
2:46pm November 21st, 2010 (2 comments · 6 likes)
Happily sitting here (with occasional dancing around the room) with the radio cranked, eating my Chinese food! Just wishing I didn't have to leave for work in a few minutes. Darn.
6:26pm November 20th, 2010 (3 comments)
There are moments in life when you wish you could bring someone down from heaven and spend the day with them just one more time. I know I have someone I would love to do that with...If you have someone, copy and paste this to your status to remember all who are not here...gone ...but...never forgotten...... Life is not the same with out you! Love you Mom!!
3:35pm November 19th, 2010 (5 comments · 4 likes)
...needs a back massage.
9:04pm November 17th, 2010 (3 comments · 2 likes)
If you see my brain anywhere could you send it back home to me please. Got up 10min AFTER we should have LEFT for school. I started driving to E's school just now when I should have been picking up KJ at his. And I see now KJ's sweaters been on backwards all day too. Such a Monday!!
11:57am November 15th, 2010 (6 comments · 2 likes)
At the request of a great friend, i post the following:"We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out in Afghanistan and have lost 9 marines in 4 days. Please re-post this. More info here: http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/prayer/darkhorse.asp
4:01pm November 10th, 2010 (1 like)
Had a yummy dinner with friends from work and then went SWING DANCING!!! WAAHOO!!!! Great night! Oh so tired now.
10:58pm November 9th, 2010 (5 comments · 8 likes)
'd rather work a holiday than the "fall back" Daylight Savings on third shift. You know what that means?!?!?!? A 13 hour shift people!!!!! Sucks!
4:29pm November 6th, 2010 (11 comments · 2 likes)
I just had someone come to the door asking if I wanted to sell my van for cash. It was a Hispanic family. He had $650 on him, and I told him $1000. I didn't tell him everything wrong with it. He is going to come back or call me but he wants to pick it up tomorrow. I said we'd need to talk cause I have to find another car first. Is this way too shady on either end or what do you think?
4:38pm October 31st, 2010 (14 comments)
Kids had a blast with their cousin filled weekend! First playtime with "little cousins" then special time with some big ones! Thank You!!! Now on to Halloween and overnight at the grandparents.
2:37pm October 31st, 2010 (2 likes)
Is completely clueless about what to do....
1:19pm October 29th, 2010 (6 comments)
I think that UGG boots thing is a computer virus. I would STAY AWAY and not click on anything and delete any invitations ASAP! Grrr!
9:11am October 27th, 2010 (9 comments)
☆•*¨*•¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆Put this on your status if you have the most beautiful DAUGHTER in the world☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆
9:18pm October 26th, 2010 (5 likes)
Oh....it DOES get worse. Both my kids are puking. At my friends house and I am about to go get them. And bring them here with the broken toilet. If someone knows a plumber that works on Sundays. I need a contact NOW!!!!
2:08pm October 24th, 2010 (15 comments)
...and now the toilet is broken. I think I am seriously just going to go piss on the carpet in the basement along my cat. Why not? Yesterday I slept in the backseat of my van, peeing on the ground is only a natural progression.
8:59am October 24th, 2010 (13 comments)
Kaedon just asked what we thought the "Halloween Bunny" was going to bring him.... *I am rolling my eyes and laughing at that boy*
7:35pm October 21st, 2010 (6 comments · 8 likes)
A fever is NOT what need right now. Uuuuuuughhh!!!!! Seriously!
6:20pm October 20th, 2010 (5 comments)
I guess I was exhausted. Passed out on the couch in my clothes about 8:30 I think. Kids slept on the couch with me until I moved me and Kaedon to his bed. At least I don't have to get dressed to take Elise to school in a minute. :/~
7:25am October 19th, 2010 (2 comments · 2 likes)
Whether they are big ( • )( • ) or small (.) (.) we need to save them all. Repost this for Breast Cancer Awareness! Go PINK!!!
12:16pm October 14th, 2010 (1 comment · 5 likes)
going to attempt to get drunk and........fold laundry.
7:44pm October 13th, 2010 (11 comments · 7 likes)
A few observations: #1 Its THUNDERING! #2 You know its bad thing when your own napping needs exceed those of your young children.
9:48am October 13th, 2010 (6 likes)
Van needs $500-$1000 in work for just ONE issue that renders it worthless as a trade in, my house reaks of cat piss, There are branches ruining my roof, gutters are full, front deck porch is apart with broken boards...and a million other little things here need to be fixed/bought/replaced that will cost me $$, time and help I don't have. Can someone just dig me a hole to crawl into now?
3:52pm October 12th, 2010 (10 comments)
..may have slightly overdone it practicing one handed cartwheels, back-walk overs, and handstands this morning after working on my feet all night. Heehee. I'm never to old to stay young.
9:12am October 10th, 2010 (11 comments · 3 likes)
Super Happy Birthday wishes to my dad Hank Zerfas!!!
10:57am October 7th, 2010 (3 likes)
Has a guy singing a love song in her ear and kissing her cheeks all over.
12:14pm September 27th, 2010 (4 comments · 9 likes)
Has some kind of gnat or fruit fly infestation in my house and its driving me NUTS!!! Am I just unlucky or is it bad this year or is it from the CSA from the Amish farm? I think they are gnats though....But this is GNAT cool. ;)
6:47am September 21st, 2010 (10 comments · 3 likes)
Just returned from the park/playground where we also ran around kicking a soccer ball, after which Kaedon said "That was really un-breath-ing". Hehe.
7:46pm September 15th, 2010 (3 comments · 4 likes)
Also...looking for a someone to watch my kids Tuesday from 4-7ish for a work meeting. Anyone available?!?!
6:05pm September 11th, 2010 (2 comments)
Trying to find motivation to get up, get dressed and go to work. Ugh. I don't wannnnna!!!!
5:52pm September 11th, 2010
Wishes a NTG tab would take away the heartache....
12:36am September 9th, 2010 (4 comments)
Needs a wine fairy....
8:50pm September 5th, 2010 (6 comments · 2 likes)
Took Elise to the docs. Yes Poison Ivy. Got steroids. "They may make her a bit irritable" Bwaahaahaaaa!!!! Thats soooo funny. Anyone who's spent time with my daughter will understand my exasperated laughing and shaking of my head.
3:15pm September 2nd, 2010 (7 comments)
Elise has a rash all over her face that spread overnight to other patches on her body. I'm thinking its poison ivy given the way it spread. Is it usually treated w/ OTC stuff or should I absolutely take her in???
12:23pm September 1st, 2010 (13 comments)
Wishes I was sleeping.....
2:36pm August 28th, 2010 (5 comments · 2 likes)
A little bit ago my kids got dressed up and went outside to have a wedding and "get married" (to each other). And just now at the dinner table they want to know how to have kids. Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! I just started harping on them to finish eating and changed the subject, lol.
6:12pm August 26th, 2010 (8 comments · 2 likes)
After feeding chickens and gathering eggs at a friends yesterday I had the following conversation with KJ: KJ: So what kind of eggs are these mom? Me: They are chicken eggs silly, we got them from the chickens remember? KJ: Noooo, what KIND are they? Me: They are brown eggs..... I guess I don't know what you are asking. KJ: I MEAN....are they scrambled or one of the other kind!!!!!!
2:20pm August 25th, 2010 (1 comment · 7 likes)
My kids have been SO awful today, beyond words. They will be going to bed in a few minutes. This should go over just spectacular. Pray for me....and their behinds.
7:06pm August 24th, 2010 (9 comments)
Tis been a true, complete day in Michigan my friends! I've gone out for breakfast, laid in then sun, swam a few laps in a pool, sat in a hot tub, climbed part of Sleeping Bear Dunes, took a a scenic drive, visited dear family friends, made it back home in good time and put the kids to bed!
11:25pm August 18th, 2010 (11 comments · 7 likes)
Ok! I have reached best mom in the world status today. lets see how long this can last! It only took about 100 bucks lol.
2:25pm August 17th, 2010 (2 comments · 3 likes)
Wishing it had been a warmer & less windy day for the beach in TC.
5:23pm August 16th, 2010 (1 comment)
Has a MAJOR computer virus that is crashing my computer now, lovely! On a positive note, I've had a great weekend off of work having fun.
6:30pm August 14th, 2010 (5 comments)
Is it acceptable to have a bowl of ice cream with my glass of wine?
9:10pm August 12th, 2010 (22 comments · 3 likes)
Finally has a caffeine buzz going....coffee this morning, pepsi now and making chocolate-chocolate chip cookies ....hehehehe. Now to keep from crashing, lol. Gotta keep up with the kids somehow.
1:37pm August 11th, 2010 (7 comments)
Wondering what to do Fri or Sat since I have the weekend off work... And wondering what to do tonight with 4 kids in this heat and humidity that won't be miserable, but still wear them out....
4:00pm August 10th, 2010 (7 comments)
Only 4 hrs of sleep last nite. but I've grocery shopped at Family Fare, Meijers, & the pet store, dropped and picked E up from day camp, done dishes and dropped off a cake. Now to majorly clean & pick up the house and find something for dinner. The next two days I'll have my nephews here too, should be crazy and hopefully fun!
4:42pm August 9th, 2010 (4 comments)
I need a new washer and dryer!!! My dryer is officially dead and the washer is on its last legs too. Oh and the van needs major work or to be traded in soon as well. But my first priority is to figure out how to hang a million little pairs of kids underware on a clothes line. I'm NOT putting mine out there for the pervert neighbor to see however.
2:58pm August 4th, 2010 (5 comments)
Tuesday night concert series at Meijer Gardens starts TOMORROW!!!!! So excited! I almost forgot it was Aug already! One of the best perks of a membership.
8:11pm August 2nd, 2010 (1 like)
Kaedon has just informed me that everything I do with them is "bo-wing". He wants me to do something REALLY fun with them.....like take them to outerspace. I'll get right on that.
11:49am August 2nd, 2010 (2 comments · 7 likes)
Is bored and listening to crickets....
9:38pm July 30th, 2010 (4 comments)
KJ: (Rambles on about Darth Vader not wanting to wear clothes and how DV is complaining about his clothes and he has to wash them in warm water to shrink them so they fit). Me: "You've got quite the imagination Kaedon" KJ: "NO MOM, I'm NOT Imaginating"
9:29am July 30th, 2010 (5 comments · 5 likes)
Has a broken toe. At least it sorta matches my purplish toenail polish. Tis pretty swollen after 13 hrs on my feet at work though. *sigh* And my stomach is growling at me to find food, but body wants me to sleep and my skin wants me to take a shower. What to do!?
8:27am July 25th, 2010 (9 comments)
is so fricken sick of not being able to sleep! I'm tired of being wide awake in the dark by myself every weeknight and dead tired everyday.
3:43am July 19th, 2010 (9 comments)
Just spent way too much $ garage sale-ing this afternoon with the kids. They had a blast buying stuff (with their own money!). Now I need to get rid of tons of my stuff I guess.
1:35pm July 9th, 2010 (2 likes)
Off to have some awesome "girl time" with Elise!!!! KJ's with his cousins. Thank you Aunt Traci!! You are a brave woman. Elise wants me to tell you we are going to see "The Last Song". <3 color="gray">8:08pm July 7th, 2010 (2 likes)
Gonna head to Meijer Gardens for a bit of walking and sunshine. They are open till 9pm Mon & Tues!! I can get one guest in free if anyone wants to call my cell and meet me there. :)
4:14pm July 5th, 2010 (4 comments · 2 likes)
Don't ever put a 4 yr old in charge of the hose....even if he's on your "team" in the water fight.
5:40pm June 30th, 2010 (1 comment · 12 likes)
Is thankful for all the friends at work that make it fun and are so willing to work as a team!
8:45am June 27th, 2010 (4 likes)
Not happy the neighbors started a construction project RIGHT outside my bedroom window at 1130. 2.5 hours of sleep should be enough to get me through the next night shift right???
12:50pm June 26th, 2010 (5 comments)
Hears the ominous thunder getting closer and closer..... I'm kind of "over" all the rain and storms and just ready for some nice summer nights...and less mud!
9:35pm June 23rd, 2010 (3 likes)
1:02am June 22nd, 2010 (11 comments)
WHY when its finally beautiful out and we have options for outdoor water front fun, does my son have a high temp and no energy? :(
11:37am June 21st, 2010 (3 comments)
Having a bit of a slumber party with two extra kids tonight. And had a visit from a friend and her son. Lots o' kids. Fun, fun! Now to figure out bedtime and sleeping arrangements...
8:23pm June 16th, 2010 (5 comments · 2 likes)
Hey family, Elise is going to camp at the GR Civic Theatre this week and will have a performance on Friday (the 18th) at 11:00am for anyone interested in coming. <3 color="gray">1:15am June 14th, 2010 (2 comments)
IVO'd from work. Thinking I might go get some Taco Boy (wet burrito!) and then go shopping.
6:57pm June 5th, 2010 (2 comments · 5 likes)
Just got a bill for the MRI that Elise had last month (that was negative for anything causing her bowel/bladder issues) and even though I work for a hospital & pay about $300/mo for my insurance, my bill is still over $500 and I'm sure thats just part of it, for the actual scan, not the radiologist or anything else.
3:38pm June 3rd, 2010 (8 comments)
Still no freaking power! This royally sucks. Bowls of cereal for dinner to use up the milk...if its still good. GRRR!!!
5:07pm May 31st, 2010 (4 comments)
So much for the kids maybe sleeping in, holy thunder and lightening!!!! Not very good parade weather either. :( Wonder how long it will last.
7:06am May 31st, 2010 (3 comments)
Is not sure what to do now that I'm home with no kids.... SO WEIRD!!!
8:24pm May 28th, 2010 (5 comments · 2 likes)
Oh my! Up to work my first EVER day shift. Just filling in some holes today and tomorrow. I may experience a huge void without Curious George at 8am and my late morning nap!!!
6:08am May 28th, 2010 (1 comment · 2 likes)
Thank you SO MUCH for all the birthday wishes! I'm having drinks with my sisters after our girly movie. Its been a good day!
10:41pm May 27th, 2010 (4 comments · 4 likes)
A friendly summer tip: Its best not to shoo mosquitos off your leg while holding a razor blade. I'm just saying. Hehehe.
2:02pm May 26th, 2010 (3 comments)
The power comapny is changing another transformer or something today so the power is scheduled to off from 9am till 3. Hoping thats all cause I've lots of laundry to do.
7:59am May 26th, 2010 (4 comments · 1 like)
I did not know it was suppose to be THIS hot and humid today. Yikes. I have dishes done and three windows re-screened though. Still have to do more laundry and other stuff though. Then maybe the splashpad at Millenium after I pick up Elise.
11:53am May 24th, 2010 (4 comments · 1 like)
Its way too early and I wanna go back to bed. But instead I need to get a little fired up cause its FIELD DAY at Elise's school!!! At least its gonna be a nice hot day for it!
7:07am May 20th, 2010 (3 comments)
I just got home from work and walked in the door to discover my house had been ransacked and trashed. Then I realized I just haven't cleaned in a while....
7:34am May 16th, 2010 (4 comments · 9 likes)
Wants to take a longer nap, read a bit of my book, watch a movie and snuggle under a blanket tonight. But instead I'm off to work tonight. *sigh* Oh to have wants.....
6:16pm May 15th, 2010 (3 comments · 1 like)
8:03pm May 13th, 2010 (7 comments)
A very bored KJ: "We need to pick up Elise from school, RIGHT now" Me:"Why? So you can have someone to pick on and fight with?" KJ: "YES!" *At least he was honest*
1:23pm May 12th, 2010 (1 comment · 1 like)
Right now theres a nurse helping a woman become a mom, a nurse holding the hand of a dying man, a nurse inserting an IV in a child, a nurse listening to an Alzheimers patient tell a story, a nurse missing their family while caring for yours. In the minute it took you to read this nurses all over the world are saving lives.... ♥ Its nurses week.
6:32pm May 8th, 2010 (5 comments · 19 likes)
Does anyone wanna come try and start my lawn mower. Or even better mow it for me?!?!?! Grrrrr!!!
6:40pm May 6th, 2010 (3 comments)
Heading out to Meijer Gardens in a few minutes. Beautiful day to be outside! Hope I can find my way there with the expressway closed that direction. Hmmm?
5:00pm May 4th, 2010 (1 comment · 2 likes)
is going to attempt to make a turtle.....
4:04pm May 1st, 2010 (4 comments · 1 like)
Just "loves" it when I finish a long shift at work, come home and settle down with a bowl of cereal and get to nearly the end of it and discover Flour Beetles. UGH. Disgusting. And then I of course had to empty out my cupbaord where I saw several more. It just never ends.
9:19am April 24th, 2010 (5 comments)
ATTENTION!!! Thereis going to be a benefit this Sunday, on April 25th for (John's Aunt)Pam Smigiel, diagnosed with liver cancer, at the Creston VFW hall, 1535Monroe NE from noon until 6:00 pm. Natchez Trace, 13thHour, and JohnAndrews will play. We also have special guest drummer,Tommy Davis.It'll be a g...reat event!! There will be auctions, raffles, and a soup cook off.
3:51pm April 22nd, 2010
My kids are outside playing with my sister, and in need of baths and its now bedtime. I think I'm just gonna go get a wine cooler and pretend I don't know what time it is while the house is quiet.
8:30pm April 21st, 2010 (3 comments · 8 likes)
is wondering: If I call CPS on myself will they (please) come take my child away. Cause I guarantee no one else would want him right now.... I seriously was about to leave him at the grocery store and just walk away a bit ago.
8:56am April 20th, 2010 (9 comments · 1 like)
My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening thru a cosmic vapor of invention...
3:43pm April 18th, 2010 (4 comments)
...A beautiful day and I think fun for the kids, complete with a trip to the playground, digging in dirt, catching (and kissing for KJ) toads, collecting worms, and relaxing and playing outside.
9:42pm April 15th, 2010 (2 comments · 2 likes)
Needs to find some energy today. I don't seem to have ANY. Ugh.
11:47am April 14th, 2010 (3 comments)
I have my nephews here for the day!! It will be a LONG one, lol. It makes 2 four yr olds and a 2yr old, and later we'll pick up Elise from school. I just put dinner in the crock pot, but have already resorted to "wanna watch a movie", lol. Now to make me some coffee and figure out how to keep these boy busy today. ;)
9:19am April 12th, 2010 (3 comments)
A little steamed rat for Dexter, some turkey pot pie and cornbread for me and the kids. Hehehe.
6:18pm April 11th, 2010 (8 comments · 1 like)
Kaedon just confessed he put a "real" egg in his pocket on Easter at Grammy's house and hid it upstairs in the toy room. Bwaahahaha!!! Do you smell anything Tammy? Elise said she put the found/missing necklace in the big toy box.
3:10pm April 9th, 2010 (3 comments · 3 likes)
Trying to get out the door and on the road soon to head to Double JJ Ranch for some indoor waterpark fun for the kids.
11:58am April 7th, 2010 (1 comment · 6 likes)
Just remembered its Tuesday and FMG is open till 9!!!! Heading out for some nasty fast food somewhere so I can take the kids to see butterflies. Hoping its not too busy there.
6:09pm April 6th, 2010 (3 likes)
HAIL!!!!! It was pretty big too. Our front yard (mud pit) is completely flooded right now. The kids are hoping the power goes out, lol.
10:20am April 6th, 2010 (6 comments · 1 like)
How does the Easter Bunny stay awake? I'm afraid he's going to get too tired and miss our house. We just got home and the kids are brushing teeth and just now getting to bed at 10pm. Oiy.
10:07pm April 3rd, 2010 (2 comments)
Ok, I've known for a few weeks that we have mice in the basement from the "droppings" visible. But I just saw what I think was either a large BROWN mouse or a CHIPMUNK!!! Grrrrreat! How do I catch a chipmunk?
1:38pm April 3rd, 2010 (6 comments)
The egg hunt was a bust. Hung out for a while downtown since I paid SEVEN dollars to park for nothing. Ok, the kids got free hot dogs and juice. Now we are going to get ice cream!!!
7:10pm April 2nd, 2010 (11 comments)
Doesn't have to work this weekend. WOOOHOOOO!!!!! One of the four weekends I get off a year. So glad the weather cooperated. Hoping my kids do the same, lol. Thinking we might brave the craziness downtown for the Easter Egg hunt thing.
4:08pm April 2nd, 2010 (2 likes)
Zippity doo dah, Zippity aye........
6:39pm April 1st, 2010 (6 comments · 2 likes)
There is an online phone book site called spokeo.com. Anyone can search your name and find a lot of personal information about you (income, credit score, profession,age, how many people live at home, even a picture of you and your house!) Have yourself removed by clicking the privacy button in the bottom right corner (then check your email and confirm).
12:06am March 31st, 2010 (7 comments)
Loves that Elise's teacher didn't send a homework packet this week. Just a sheet telling them to enjoy the great weather this week and read everyday!! <3 color="gray">3:34pm March 29th, 2010 (7 comments · 2 likes)
just discovered Kaedon drew a big ol' face on the garage door last night complete with a pig nose, googly eyes, and what appears to be a beard. Probably in permanent black marker, I'm sure. OMG!!! I'm going to lock him up and loose the key.
8:07am March 26th, 2010 (6 comments · 3 likes)
Just because one can still do back bends, walk overs, and handstands to show ones daughter how its done, does not mean that ones body/muscules will be happy or fail to spasm about it later on. ;)
7:40pm March 22nd, 2010 (6 comments · 4 likes)
Yes - I have children. If you come over unannounced there WILL be toys from one end of the house to the other, dishes in the sink, and there might even be food crumbs on the floor! But we WILL be happy, and that's all that matters to us!... Re-post this if you have a house like mine :-)
1:16pm March 22nd, 2010 (3 comments · 3 likes)
We have seriously been sick in this house for over a month. Just when one of us feels better another one is sick and spreading germs again. I've had a cough for weeks, and now Kaedon has a bit of a fever AGAIN. I'm so tired of this.
7:28pm March 21st, 2010 (6 comments)
...has no recollection of turning the alarm off and way overslept. But rest assured co-workers....I still managed to shower. ;) Lets hope tonight is not nearly as busy and crazy as last night!!
6:13pm March 20th, 2010 (2 comments · 1 like)
While all of you loose an hour of sleep, I will be working an hour LESS!!! Boooya!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! I'm not excited about that or anything. I wait for this night all year, LOL.
6:16pm March 13th, 2010 (7 comments · 8 likes)
Won free tickets to the Circus tonight from 105.7!! And luckily it works out great cause Elise doesn't have school tomorrow either.
1:15pm March 11th, 2010 (4 comments · 2 likes)
Is sick of: repeating the same requests and directions 250,000 times before anyone listens, loosing Elise's Library book on the day its due at school, and Kaedon yelling my name over and over when I don't respond in .2 seconds. Geez, it feels like a Monday. I wanna go back to bed.
7:58am March 11th, 2010 (2 comments · 2 likes)
So my neighbor just took down my Christmas lights.....I guess they were bugging her, LOL. She's actually the one who helped me put them up though too. I suppose it was time, LOL.
4:04pm March 8th, 2010 (13 comments · 2 likes)
Well, except for a grouchy son, the family dinner & birthday party was successful. Now off to get the kids in bed so I can enjoy the cleaned up house, the rest of the wine and maybe watch a movie......
7:39pm March 7th, 2010 (2 comments · 3 likes)
Missing my brother Mike Corby today and wishing 3/5/09 was only the bad dream it seems to be. RIP Mike Corby
8:30am March 5th, 2010 (15 comments · 1 like)
Kaedon woke me up at 4:30am to tell me it was "Zero days till his birthday now". Hehehe. Somebody is excited to be a Birthday Boy today!!! I wouldn't have thought it was so cute if he didn't go back to bed. I can't believe he is FOUR!!!
7:00am March 4th, 2010 (9 comments · 3 likes)
Kaedon has declared today that he is "allergic to kisses".... It must be the type that develops after MANY repeat exposures. ;) And him and his dad are "Dudes" so they like Sports and me and Elise are girls....so we like- butterflies....
6:53pm March 2nd, 2010 (7 comments · 5 likes)
Is loving life.......cereal. ;) I'm actually SOOOO ready to tune "life" out and sleep after a long night of work. Whew!
8:16am February 28th, 2010 (7 comments · 1 like)
Elise had a "rough" first day back at school after being sick all week: An assembly, an ice cream party, and a movie.... Needless to say, she survived! ;)
3:57pm February 26th, 2010 (2 comments · 5 likes)
I'm hungry, stomach growling. But nothing "sounds good" to me. Hmmm???
9:37pm February 25th, 2010 (8 comments)
Waiting for the power to go out in an hour. Not sure what we are gonna do today. Hoping the house stays warm enough for a few hours.
7:59am February 24th, 2010 (4 comments)
Just learned we are loosing power from 9am till 3pm tomorrow for them to change a transformer. GREAT. I have no idea what we are gonna do all day or what to do with the snake who needs heat. Grrr!
1:09pm February 23rd, 2010 (8 comments)
Think I'm gonna head to Meijer Gardens with the kids. Elise stayed home again, but seems fine and its so nice out. Might as well try to have fun.
12:25pm February 23rd, 2010 (1 comment · 1 like)
Not suprising me and Elise caught Kaedon's cold, despite all the Lysol I used last week. I just caught him licking a door knob. WHY oh why?!?! Miss E is home sick from school today, but I was fine with not going out in the snow.
12:16pm February 22nd, 2010 (9 comments)
Kaedon woke up sreaming with ear pain. KEeps crying, is miserable, won't sleep. He's had a cold, so I'm sure its an ear infection. What to do now at 1230am?
12:39am February 19th, 2010 (5 comments)
KJ is singing over and over... "In my room I go boom, boom, boom...." I don't know where he heard it or what it is....kinda odd hearing it from an almost 4yr old. ;)~
7:04pm February 17th, 2010 (5 comments · 2 likes)
Wondering when/if Kaedons nasty cough and intermittent fever is gonna go away, and hoping I don't catch it.
9:27am February 16th, 2010 (2 comments)
has done absolutely nothing today. Still in jammies even. Is it worth getting dressed now?
2:51pm February 15th, 2010 (5 comments)
Doesn't care what freakin' day it is as long as I have some chocolate!!!
5:20pm February 14th, 2010 (3 comments · 7 likes)
Somewhat happy for the snow day (if I can keep the kids from fighting all day). Although it doesn't look all that bad out there now that the sun is shining!
9:14am February 10th, 2010 (1 comment)
Gonna be a busy day with lots to get done, but I have no energy and on Mondays my body is not quite off the night schedule and I just want to sleep all day. Must.resist.napping.
8:14am February 8th, 2010 (1 comment)
A backward poet --writes inverse.
8:48am February 7th, 2010 (7 comments · 1 like)
Is looking for a new/additional job. Probably during the day 3-4 hours a few days a week. Any ideas or leads for me?? I'm getting called off so much at work I loose several hundred $$/month. This puts me in such a big mess financially, I don't know whether to cry, scream, or just sedate myself.
10:45pm February 5th, 2010 (9 comments)
So my crabby kiddo FINALLY fell asleep on the couch next to me and looked so sweet and peaceful so I cradled him on my lap marveling at his cuteness while he slept...and then he peed all over my lap.......
12:47pm February 4th, 2010 (13 comments · 12 likes)
Totally stole this from a "Brian Nowak" who posted on WoodTV8's page, but it made me giggle which is a small miracle tonight: ♫ ♪ "Snow on da ground, snow on da ground, looking like a fool with your car spun around. Driving on the ice with your car goin' sideways, slidin' on the highways, mailbox hit sideways! Driving like a fool with your car spun around..."♫ ♪
9:08pm February 2nd, 2010 (1 comment · 3 likes)
Who gave my son speed? I need a reversal agent. The walls are not padded but he's literally running around so fast he's slamming himself into them anyway.
6:32pm February 1st, 2010 (8 comments)
Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. Give her sperm, she will give you a baby. Give her a house, she will give you a home. Give her groceries, she will give you a meal. Give her a smile n she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So if you give her crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit..... :) Repost if you like!
7:12pm January 31st, 2010 (8 comments · 10 likes)
So seven years ago last night I missed a shift at work because I was busy a few floors up giving birth to a precious little girl. I have no idea how SEVEN years went by so fast, but its been wonderful to watch my beautiful girl grow.
11:31am January 30th, 2010 (14 comments · 8 likes)
IVO'd, no kids. Does anyone wanna go out to dinner?
5:25pm January 29th, 2010 (11 comments)
8:01pm January 27th, 2010 (3 comments · 1 like)
So who wants to babysit tomorrow night?
7:35pm January 25th, 2010 (11 comments)
Just signed up to get freebie Cream of Wheat, dried fruit, Kashi bars, and a Veggie Tales DVD sent my way through links at Common Sense with Money. And also the snake finally ate late last night so he is off his (exactly) 3 month diet plan!!!! Good start to the week!
8:35am January 25th, 2010 (5 comments · 1 like)
My short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my short-term memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
9:31am January 23rd, 2010 (5 comments · 10 likes)
I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it.
6:11pm January 22nd, 2010 (4 comments · 7 likes)
Braving a late, brief trip to the Children's Museum.
5:52pm January 21st, 2010 (6 comments · 1 like)
Looking for a pair of small dentures for Elise... ;) She's becoming my toothless wonder. Third one gone in the bottom front tonight!
5:34pm January 17th, 2010 (3 comments · 2 likes)
Getting ready to frantically straighten things before everyone comes over for Nana's Birthday! Happy Birthday Grandma!
4:25pm January 14th, 2010 (1 comment · 2 likes)
Is glad Jimmy Fallon is not getting bumped off. He's at least the cutest one of the bunch. And quite talented I think!
12:49am January 14th, 2010 (5 comments)
Thinks I'll be spending another night sleeping on the bathroom floor. I'll take an NG and Fexiseal bag please. You might as well tube and diprivan me so I can sleep through it too.
7:49pm January 8th, 2010 (13 comments)
Blanc, Blanco, Bianco, Blanke, 怀特, البيض
11:05pm January 6th, 2010 (5 comments · 1 like)
Called off work tonight and unexpectedly home with the kiddos.
6:03pm January 1st, 2010 (6 comments · 2 likes)
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Why hello there!?!?
The biggest thing I've been quiet about to most people is that I've been separated for about 8 months now. Since Oct of 09. So life as a single mom is just too busy to keep up with everybody or everything. And the random MAYHEM just never seems to end. But alas, I am still here and kickin'. And overall we are all doing quite well!! Hope everyone's summers are filled with lots of fun and sunshine!!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Summer break is over!!!
So I cannot believe this summer is officially over. Elise starts school Tuesday. We have the long weekend left and then school. Crazy. She will be a first grader. We had her orientation today and visited her classroom and saw who her teacher would be. She is excited and doesn't appear nervous at all, like psht...piece of CAKE mom!
The past couple of weeks I've literally been trying to cram in as much activity and trips to parks and stuff as I can. It will be SO weird to have Elise in school all day, everyday. Last year was just 1/2 days. Poor Kaedon is going to be a little lost without her. I'm hoping to do a little bit of preschool homeschooling with him, but he doesn't seem to be interested. Hmmm....we'll see how it goes. The boy just NEEDS to learn some basic respect/listening/following direction skills or I'm going to go nuts. He still is TERRIFIED to poop on the potty for some reason. I mean literally shakes and screams and acts horrified it will hurt him. We are working on that. I forced him to sit there despite the trauma a few nights ago and he finally went on the pot. He'd been holding it for two days or more cause he'd been in underwear.
On the pooping note, we've still had bad constipation issues with Elise resulting in more UTI's and FINALLY got our long awaited (SIX MONTH WAIT) to a pediatric GI....for of COURSE the very first day of school. I will have to get her early, which will be quite hectic, but what do you do? It just irks me though. I really hope she doesn't have major issues this year at school and I'm stressed about what they are going to want me to give her. Ugh.
So as not to leave on that "crappy" note (heehee) I will post some pics from the summer (for some reason they are looking grainy and pixelated to me here):



Tired out after a long day on "vacation" at the water park.

Swimming in Lake Michigan at sunset!

Lake Michigan Sunset (@Kirk Park)

Getting ready to go fishing!

Dancing at the local botanical gardens and sculpture park!
Evidently I've reached the limit on posted pictures for my post cause it won't let me add more. I haven't done much with my Photoblog either, but I think some changes are soon to come!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Oh BLOG how I miss thee....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Spring Break! Here and Gone!!
Last weekend I had Saturday night off work which almost NEVER happens, so I went to a concert with my sisters. I'm not sure if I'm up to admitting who it was though, LOL. Wanna take any guesses for fun?? It was so fun to just go out, be a little crazy and hang with my sisters. We haven't been out ALL together for something FUN in a LONG time!!
Then the next morning I got up early and headed to an all day seminar for Nature Photography given by a really neat and pretty renouwn couple in the photography business. It was really informative, a TON of information to process. The things that cracked me up though were the casual way they'd throw in little tips of shooting in the Galapagos Islands or Africa. You know, cause I get there all the time for nature shots. But at least I know what $1,000+ (some as much as $7,000)lenses, tripods and other equipment I might need.
We didn't do anything big and fantastic over DD's break from school, which I feel a little bad about, but summer break will be here soon anyway right? We did make it down to see my sister & brother in law who just had a baby last Thursday. I took about 300 pictures that I have yet to sort and process and upload somewhere for her to see. Maybe I will post some on my Photoblog when I get done.
So here I am back at work this weekend, working an extra night (Easter) which kinda sucks, but I'll get an extra day off next weekend and get another Saturday off!! Rock on! I'm kinda liking this every other weekend of three in a row, than just one shift the next week. I've been trying to see if there's a way to do this every month. Gotta run, work calls!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Where to begin....?
I have however been thinking about all my time on the computer and the time that I am not with my kids. I have 3 boards that I post on regularly (Birth boards and a local parenting board), Facebook and my blog (two blogs technically). I cannot shake the overwhelming fear that someday I will loose one of my own children early to some catastrophe (or cancer). I think of all the time now when I tell them "just a minute" so I can read one more blog, or check facebook one more time or reply to one more post. I spend A LOT of time on the computer each day when I should be cherishing my own kids. SO....just when I felt like I was maybe getting in a blogging grove a month ago, I might fall out of it. I'm not sure. I just know I want to walk away from the computer more to read more books and play more games with my kids. Cause quite frankly I just don't know how long God will leave them here.