Well, er....ok not really. But Miss Sassy Pants (wishes) thinks so! I just can't believe all this Christmas talk is starting already. She made some comment about Santa living in the "gimmney" last night and so I was telling her "no, he lives in the North Pole". Well, she started begging and begging to go there, annoyingly so. I was trying to nurse KJ so I told her to go ask her Dad. Of coarse he told her "sure", so she came back just gleaming that we were going to the North Pole to see Santa, LOL!!
Sometimes I do wish we had not even started the whole "Santa" thing, but then I look at that excitement over the mystical, magical wonder of it all and think how special it all was to me as a kid and I guess I'm glad we do Santa. This year Santa will be on a serious budget. I'd like to do just three main gifts per kid (like Jesus received from the wise men). Already though I'm finding hard to limit myself and think of just three things. And then DH is giving me flack for relating the story of Jesus to Santa. So I don't know we will See what happens. There are also lots of little things I'd like to get that they need anyway so I usually give those types of things at Christmas too (like socks, slippers, pj's, etc...). So I guess we will see how I do, heehee.
A conversation that just happened here:
Me: "Hey, Miss SP...you need to go blow your nose."
MSP: (runs away and comes back nose up in the air)...."Did I get it"
Me: "yup"
MSP: "I'm so happy!" "I'm old enough to get my own buggers!!!"
Oh, the JOYS of childhood. And to think of all the things I pass up getting excited about in everyday life.
Break my heart
9 years ago
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