Thursday, July 03, 2008

Speaking of crazy mayhem, did you notice my new blog title?

Its a bit of a longish story, but evidently one of the words in my old blog title was similar to a trademarked word. A trademark that is held by another blogger in fact. I won't even go into how I feel about it because most of you already know from me venting in a few other places. So in the interest of harmony and blogging blissfulness I've had to wrack my brain for a new blog title. I'm not terribly smitten by my current title, but it will do for now. However, I couldn't help but notice that seriously less than 12 hours after changing it to Mother of Mayhem, we had huge storms, knocked out power, knocked out phone lines, huge tree uprooted, and potentially rotting, fermenting food in our fridge and huge chest freezer. Not to mention the small things like my kids playing in a huge mud puddle right after I'd tidied them up to head here to MIL's. I was on the cell phone and scurrying to get things packed up in the van and wasn't noticing what they were doing. Yeah....COVERED in mud and splatters, head to toe. Gotta love it....

So anyway if you notice that my blog title changes again....perhaps to something like "Mom of Millions (of dollars)" for a while (and I'll play the lottery during that time span) to see if that comes true as well, don't be surprised!


Kristin said...

Wow. Craziness! It is amazing how productive one can be under those circumstances. I saw a little sign that said "a clean house is the sign of a broken computer". I need that hanging in my house because its so true!

I like your new name!

Tricia said...

Too funny about the storm.

I'm sorry about your having to change your name. Sometimes the schoolyard bully wins despite the strength of character of the one (s)he is bullying. I think it shows how classy you are to bow out so gracefully. FWIW, I read some of the bully's blog and had couldn't stay there long, as I found it incredibly boring. phonebookologue is what she should've named it. LOL

Labbymommy said...

ditto ditto ditto to Tricia! You will always be the "true" MoMologue in my eyes! ;) Cause yours was much more fun to read.

Teachermom said...

That DOES stink about having to change your blog name...I am still baffled that 1) a person would think highly enough of oneself to trademark a non-commercial blog name, and 2) that person has enough time on her hands to go around to search and threaten to sue others who have a similar name. Shame on that person, and give me an ever-lovin' break! I do like your new name. It just shows that you are creative under pressure.

ANYWAY...I'm glad your power is now back on now. :)